Focaldata core

Lightning speed. Guaranteed quality.

Focaldata is the only platform that streamlines the quantitative research workflow while delivering decision-grade data.

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Get robust insights to stakeholders faster

When going self-serve, don’t settle for a mess of expensive tools, scripts and panel providers that drain time and energy. Our platform was built for people who want to spend their time on analysis and reporting and finding that trailblazing insight.

Dedicated research support

Get an expert researcher committed to your success using the platform. Beyond onboarding and training, we become an extension of your team — helping with everything from survey design to translations to data tables and other outputs. When you have a question, we'll be on a call within the hour to troubleshoot and work out the best way forward.

Unmatched data quality

Always get clean data with Focaldata. Bots and cheats are problems for all online panels. So, using machine learning we’ve deployed a best-in-class data quality engine — built on top of the millions of data points we collect every week. The result? We remove over 30% of respondents on data quality grounds compared to an industry standard of 10%.

Access your audience at unparalleled scale

Reach your audience at scale — from niche consumers to professionals to nationally representative samples. By deploying our intelligent sampling engine combined with access to 4,600+ panels in 90+ markets, we can deliver sample sizes up to 2x the scale offered by traditional market research agencies.

Power scripting for world-class research

Intuitive enough for non-experts but powerful enough for advanced trackers and segmentations. Run split tests, use complex display logic, add sections to organise your survey, deploy looping, randomise the order of questions, add images and videos wherever you need – and much more.

Seamless data integration

Focaldata provides flexible integration options to connect directly with your systems. Get data flowing through automatically into your data infrastructure like Snowflake and Databricks and downstream analytics tools like Tableau and PowerBI. Cut out the operational overhead. Embrace seamless data collection.

No subscription required

We don't believe subscriptions are a good fit for everyone, you can use our platform whenever you need – all scripting features, all audiences. all functionality, full support. Get an instant quote in the platform. We guarantee the price.


Understand, test, track

Teams use the Focaldata platform to run research right across the the quantitative spectrum — from segmentations and audience profiling to message and ad testing to brand tracking, and everything in between.



Investigate a category or topic to understand emerging trends,
opportunities, and risks



Segment your audience to identify opportunities for growth



Understand the usage, attitudes and perceptions of each target segment to decide how to target them and what to say



Run RCT, A/B and other tests to validate your best concept, creative, packaging and messaging ideas



Measure the performance of marketing and communications initiatives by tracking brand, reputation, public opinion and other metrics over time


The end-to-end platform for quant insight

Write your survey, set up your audience, launch – then see results stream through in real time. Start building your story with our analytics dashboard then export data to PowerPoint, Excel or your favourite tool for further analysis and reporting.

Ready to transform your insight capabilities?

Speak to us to see how we can 10x the efficiency and impact of your insight lifecycle.